Fun Activity on Leaven

The following is a fun activity to accompany this lesson on leaven.
It will impress upon the minds of the children the properties of leaven and how these picture sin, selfishness, pride and error.
Bring to the lesson the following tools and ingredients:
1 large mixing bowl
1/2 small package of flour (about 1 pound)
1 packet of brewers yeast
1 cup of warm water (add until consistancy of bread dough)
A small amount of oil for your hands
2 hand towels
1 black permanent wide marker
If no sink in the room, bring another bowl with water to wash hands
Before starting written lesson, with children watching, pour flour
into mixing bowl. Add warm water to make a consistancy of bread
dough, and mix thoroughly with your hands. Be sure to oil hands first.
Then tell the children that this is a lesson on leaven. Show them
the packet of yeast, and tell them that this is leaven. Pour a little
into each of their hands. Tell them to remember what it looks
like. Then, have them all pour the yeast into the mixing bowl, and
kneed it thoroughly into the bread dough. Now ask them if they
can pick out the leaven. Of course, it would be impossible. This
would show that it is very hard to get leaven out once it is in.
Now take the large dough ball and break it into 3 smaller balls. On
each ball, draw with the permanent marker two eyes, a nose and
a mouth. Place each dough ball with the face up in the bottom of
the bowl, and lay the towel over the top of the bowl. Set this aside
in a warm place until the end of the lesson. At that time, show
the children what happened to the faces. These will be puffed
up and distorted. The point of the lesson is that pride can make
someone puffed up and not attractive to others. This would not
be a good witness to the Lord and would not bring glory to Him
and His plan.
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