All children love a “mystery story,” so why not try to teach them the greatest mystery planned by the Author God—our Heavenly Father? Although it has been a secret to most of the world for thousands of years, we are given many Scriptural clues to this most important Mystery. Now that we are nearing the time when it will be revealed to the world, we know approximately where we are on the time-line of the Divine Plan of the Ages.
    Even Adam and Eve were given a clue after they were condemned in the Garden of Eden. The clue was that one of Eve’s children would destroy the great deceiver Satan. To Abraham, of course, was given the hope that by his “Seed,” all of the world would be blessed—and that the Seed would be both Heavenly and Earthly. More details and clues were provided in the Tabernacle with its pictures of sacrifices—the High Priest, picturing (on the Day of Atonement), the head, Christ Jesus, and the Body as the Church. Most people do not understand that the heavenly part of the Seed had to die first as pictured by the Bullock—and that the Lord’s Goat would follow in its footsteps.
    Still, the Prophets furnished many more clues, including the Prophet Isaiah. He prophesied about the dead coming back to life, the lame man leaping as a deer as well as no more war and the earthly government of God’s Kingdom in Israel (Isaiah 35:6, 10; 2:2-4). Jesus revealed more clues, but through parables, for example, that gathering “fish” really means gathering Christians. Finally, Apostle Paul actually revealed the Mystery—but still the world does not understand! (Colossians 1:26)
    But the Mystery has been solved! Both Jesus and the Church are the Heavenly Seed which have to first die before blessing. They will bless all the families of the earth—beginning with the capital in Jerusalem, in Israel. 
NOTE: Depending on the ages of the children, a “Detective Box” may be prepared with a magnifying glass, small pad of paper (for notes from discussion), pen, letter stickers, stars, a small square of sandpaper (for pasting over sand of seashore).
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